30 minutes of... - Week 1

What is “30 Minutes of…” a way to optimize break times and discover new stories, I would say. 
The chronic lack of time and the need for fresh stimuli, among other things, have led me to watch fewer dramas, films, and series over the past two years, this blog has been almost totally abandoned. But, my desire to rediscover enthusiasm for dramas and write about them hasn’t abandoned me
So, I decided to dedicate 30 minutes to each product that caught my attention - whether due to its title, poster, or some indefinable quality - and click “Play” without hesitation, except for a few themes.
This week-long (or slightly longer) “experiment” has been successful: it was enjoyable, I discovered new series to watch, and I even managed to finish one (quite exceptional for me lately). 
Here’s a rundown of the winning series and those that left me undecided during this first week of “30 Minutes of…

The "winners" (or, the series I want to continue watching)
The Dropout” would deserve the title of “THE winner,” as after the first 30 minutes, I continued watching the series for days until I finished it. 
It’s a story inspired - though quite faithful, from what I understand - by real events in Silicon Valley. There, a young woman managed to deceive the public, investors, and people searching for a new idol figure after Steve Jobs’ passing.
The theme is intriguing, the storytelling flows smoothly, and Amanda Seyfried is fantastic. 
I hope to write about it soon (and by "soon", I mean "within a time frame less than six months... 🤦", emoji included).

I was craving a Chinese drama, but I didn't want to be entangled in a long vengeance story, or battles, or angst, so I choose “Delicacies Destiny” that, judjing from the poster, appears to promise a light-hearted story.
The pilot is pretty good! The initial humor, typical of Chinese productions before the tearjerker moments, isn’t over the top and didn’t bother me. Plus, the protagonist isn’t foolish (hooray! 🥳) and seems quite feminist (it’s still early to say, and it might be unlikely, but let’s keep our fingers crossed…). And the best part? There’s food - lots of it! While I couldn’t list the ingredients for at least three-quarters of the dishes shown, they look delicious and make my mouth water! 

Being away from the world of K-dramas for a while, I knew nothing about “Blood Free.” Most likely, if I had read the plot, I wouldn’t have chosen it. However, it’s captivating right from the start.
The series feels meticulously crafted, and those initial scenes are truly remarkable!

Documentaries are one of my favorite formats, and this first episode of “Trafficked” doesn’t disappoint. The courage and tenacity of journalist Mariana Van Zeller are admirable: the series explores various facets of the black market and smuggling networks, and she has to go to dangerous places and to interact with even more dangerous individuals. 
It’s an informative production that sheds light on situations that exist, but often remain unknown or poorly understood. 

Crazy Love” is a drama that, at the time of its release, I had no intention of watching (yet another genius? Another secretary? Over-the-top situations? 🙄), so it was even more amusing to press Play when, once again, I found its poster just a click away.
And I must say that if I hadn't had other commitments, I would have watched the entire episode - even though I can't quite explain why (well, maybe I can... Kim Jae-wook is a great incentive 😬).

At first glance, “Beauty and Mr. Romantic” appears to be a low-budget drama, reminiscent of the settings and perhaps even characters found in weekender dramas, so, even without considering the lack of my favorite actors, I would have avoided it in the past. 
However, these very characteristics made it enjoyable for me, as if it transported me back to a place I missed and where I felt content.

On the fence
Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial” has several strong points: it’s a documentary, and a historical one, informative, and well-crafted. 
S,o why am I on the fence? I believe it relates to the desire - or often, the need - for something that makes me feel good, brings joy, or is entirely new. These characteristics are naturally absent in this production. 
But it’s merely a “goodbye” for now.

Regarding “Public Affairs Office in the Sky”, I’m quite undecided 🤔. The first episode is charming, some characters are entertaining, and perhaps a beautiful love story will unfold, but, at times, the viewing experience felt a bit “taxing,” and I’m certain that if the male protagonist continues to be irritable, I won’t enjoy it.

I’ve decided to discuss “Not Dead Yet.” and “Life & Beth” together because their pilots share some similarities: both revolve around protagonists in their thirties, whose work and relationships leave them particularly unhappy and unfulfilled. They seem inexorably destined for failure, loneliness, and awkward situations (🙄), when...
However, we all know that both women will find a way to turn their lives around, discover their place in the world, and finally achieve happiness (nothing new under the sun); the question is how they’ll do it.
If I hadn’t watched both episodes to the end, I would have dismissed these series. “Not Dead Yet.” appears less original (though I found “Ghost Whisperer” relaxing, so…), but I’ll give both shows a second chance. 

The first episode of “Wedding Season” left me perplexed: is it a comedy? A thriller? A mystery? A drama? 🤔 (here's the limitation of watching without reading information). Yet, I was curious enough to consider continuing... until I completely forgot about it, until now.
And forgetting is never a good sign.

A Reunion of former classmates, an old murder, a disappearance, lingering grudges - nothing new... but there’s Ioan Gruffudd (yes, the one from the not-so-great Liar, the cancelled Forever, and that memorable episode 5x21 of Castle, when Castle was still good…). 
However, in the first episode, it appears that at least half of the “mystery” is already revealed... so, those now-adult former classmates better have some other tricks up their sleeves...

Devil in Ohio is the series that comes closest to being abandoned rather than continued. 
Aside from several highly questionable behaviors by one of the protagonists - made even more unforgivable due to her being a psychiatrist - the story appears quite predictable (and here’s hoping I’m wrong). However, the “prayer” has piqued my curiosity. 
We shall see.

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🙅‍♀️ - Dropped [6] - US series